"Is there any way to put Pandora Music on iPod? I want to listen to my Pandora playlist on my iPod Shuffle, please advice!"
Pandora is a popular music streaming service that allows you to discover new music and create personalized radio stations based on your favorite artists and songs. While Pandora is available on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers and streaming devices, some people want to know if they can listen to Pandora music on iPod devices.
If you have an old iPod, you might run into a weird problem when trying to sync Pandora music to iPod. However, the older iPod devices, such as the iPod Classic, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle, do not have cellular capabilities. Don't worry, this doesn't mean you are unable to get Pandora music on iPod. In this article, we will show you how to 免費將 Pandora 音樂下載到 MP3, and then you could put Pandora music on iPod of different models, including iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, iPod Classic, iPod Mini and iPod Touch (all series).
As we mentioned above, the older iPod devices don't have cellular capabilities. These iPod models are designed to store and play local music and audio files, rather than streaming from the internet. This means you cannot stream streaming music services including Pandora on old iPod series.
To download Pandora music, you need a Premium subscription. You might wonder if you can transfer Pandora music to your iPod after downloading. However, Pandora imposed digital rights management (DRM) on its streaming music content. The downloaded music can only be played on authorized mobile devices within the Pandora app. This means that you cannot put downloaded Pandora music to iPod directly.
To sync Pandora music to iPod, you need to convert Pandora music to iPod-supported audio formats, like MP3 or M4A. Here, you can skip to Part 3, which provides a powerful 潘多拉音樂轉換器, and helps you convert Pandora music to MP3 format for playback on all iPod devices. Also, you can click the Download button to have a free try of this tool!
The iPod Touch can install most streaming apps, functioning similarly to an iPhone. Although the Pandora app is not pre-installed on the iPod Touch, you can easily download it for free from the App Store. Once installed, you can stream music and podcasts just like you would on other iOS devices.
What You'll Need to Play Pandora on iPod Touch:
Power on your iPod Touch, and tap "App Store".
Tap "Search" and enter "Pandora".
Tap "Pandora Radio" > "Free" > "Install".
When prompted, enter the password associated with your Apple ID.
After installation, open the Pandora app on your iPod touch.
Sign in with your Pandora account, then select any song, album, playlist, station, radio to stream online!
UkeySoft 潘多拉音樂轉換器 是一款專業的 Pandora 音樂轉 MP3 工具,它能夠 打破DRM保護 來自 Pandora,並允許您 將潘多拉音樂轉換為 MP3, M4A, AAC formats that are compatible with all iPod models, including iPod Nano, Shuffle, Classic, and Touch. By using this tool, you can download and convert your favorite Pandora music to MP3 format and then transfer it to any iPod (like iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Mini), or other devices without any restrictions.
此外,這個強大的工具與 Pandora Premium 訂閱者和免費用戶兼容,允許他們以快 10 倍的轉換速度從 Pandora 下載他們最喜歡的曲目、專輯、播放列表和播客。 此外,轉換器可確保保留軌道的原始音頻質量,並且主要的 ID3 標籤信息保留在下載的文件中,從而生成與原始 Pandora 軌道完全相同的高質量音頻文件。
UkeySoft Pandora Music Converter - Helps You Play Pandora on Any iPod
In a word, UkeySoft Pandora Music Converter is the best solution to unlock Pandora music and convert Pandora music for playback on iPod models and other portable devices!
👍 Great Features of UkeySoft Pandora Music Converter
● Provide Batch Conversion at 10X Speed
● Download Pandora Music for Free
● Convert Pandora Music to MP3
This converter is designed to help you get Pandora music free downloads and convert Pandora music to MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, WAV, and AIFF files. Thus, you can put the converted Pandora songs to any iPod device for offline playback.
● Best Music Quality Output
● Built-in Web Player and Simple UI
● Archive Output Songs Flexibly
無論您使用的是 Windows 還是 Mac 操作系統,開始使用 UkeySoft Pandora Music Converter 都是輕而易舉的事,只需下載並安裝該軟件,您就可以開始將您最喜愛的 Pandora 曲目轉換為 MP3 格式。
步驟 1. 啟動程序並登錄
啟動軟件後,您需要在主界面上登錄您的 Pandora 帳戶。
步驟2。 選擇MP3作為輸出格式
點擊右上角的“齒輪”設置圖標,您將看到六種不同的格式可供選擇,包括 MP3、M4A、AAC、WAV、FLAC 和 AIFF。 我們建議選擇 MP3 格式,因為它與 iPod 兼容。 此外,您可以根據自己的喜好自定義各種參數,例如輸出質量、輸出文件夾、輸出文件名等。
步驟 3. 添加 Pandora 播放列表/專輯
將自動選擇所有歌曲進行下載。 但是,您可以輕鬆地手動取消選擇您不想下載的任何歌曲。
Step 4. Convert Pandora Music to MP3 for iPod
選擇所需的歌曲後,您可以通過單擊“轉換”按鈕繼續啟動轉換過程,程序將開始將歌曲從 Pandora 下載為 MP3 格式。
步驟 5. 查看轉換後的 MP3 文件
轉換過程完成後,您可以通過單擊界面右上角的“時鐘”圖標來訪問轉換後的 MP3 歌曲。 如果您想在本地目錄中找到歌曲,只需單擊藍色文件夾圖標即可。
使用 UkeySoft 潘多拉音樂轉換器將潘多拉音樂歌曲下載到您的計算機後,您可以使用 iTunes 輕鬆地將它們傳輸到您的 iPod。 以下是要遵循的步驟:
在您的計算機上啟動 iTunes,然後單擊頂部菜單欄中的“文件”。
Select "Add File to Library" and choose the downloaded MP3 Pandora music files from local folder.
使用 USB 電纜將 iPod 連接到計算機。
從 iTunes 窗口的左上角選擇您的 iPod 以打開設備摘要頁面。
選擇“選定的播放列表、藝術家、專輯和流派”,然後選擇包含已下載的 Pandora Music 歌曲的播放列表或專輯。
最後,單擊“應用”開始將選定的播放列表或專輯同步到您的 iPod。
同步過程完成後,您可以安全地斷開 iPod 與計算機的連接,並不受任何限制地欣賞您最喜愛的 Pandora Music 曲目。
The older iPod models don't come with Wifi or Bluetooth,and they also don't support streaming music platforms, including Pandora. If you want to play Pandora music on iPod devices, you need to unlock Pandora music and save them as local files. UkeySoft 潘多拉音樂轉換器 is your best choice, which allows you to convert Pandora Music to MP3 format in just a few clicks, then you can transfer the to your iPod Nano/Shuffle/Classic/Touch/Mini. Not only that, you can also put the converted Pandora music files to any other device, and enjoy listening to your favorite music offline without any restrictions.
Chester 一直對寫作、程式設計和網頁開發充滿熱情。他喜歡撰寫有關軟體和技術的文章,他的作品在 Tom's Hardware、CNET 等科技部落格或論壇上發表。
Apple Music 音樂轉檔器
專業的 Apple Music 轉換器,可以下載 Apple Music 並將其轉換為 MP3、FLAC、AAC、M4A 和 WAV,以便在任何裝置上播放。
免費嘗試Spotify 音樂轉檔器
一站式 Spotify 轉換器和下載器,可將 Spotify 音樂批量下載到 MP3、M4A、WAV、FLAC、AIFF、AAC 和 M4A,速度提高 16 倍。
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